I am Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt!

My story

For 15 years I worked as a project manager and key account manager for well-known companies in the IT and automotive industries. What became painfully clear to me during this time was the fact that most people have never learned how to really interact with one another in a relationship-promoting way, to follow their inspiration and to use their talents. Instead, we often get stuck in a labyrinth of unconscious beliefs, projections, old emotions and patterns that keep preventing us from creating a fulfilling life and fulfilling relationships.

I began to deal intensively with the topics of personality development, conflict management, team building, relationship management and the development of human potential. I attended numerous seminars and training courses and ultimately completed several years of training to become a certified Possibility Management Trainer alongside my full-time job.

I have been a trainer for personal development by vocation since 2008 and am particularly in demand as an expert in emotional health and fulfilling relationships. My clients report that I am unique in that I uncover hindering patterns, behavior and ways of thinking with great clarity and sensitivity in the shortest possible time and thus bring about change quickly and effectively. I work with my clients holistically on an emotional, intellectual and energetic level so that what Iis learned is anchored in the body and can be accessed in everyday life. Experiencing how people grow beyond their inner limits inspires me in my work.

I am married and live with my husband Florian in Donauwörth in beautiful Bavaria.

My principles

Love, Joy of Life, Possibility, Clarity, Inspiration, Empowerment.

My qualifications & experiences

  • Graduate business economist + project manager with 15 years of team experience.
  • Certified trainer for personal development (Possibility Management Trainer).
  • Over 16 years of experience as an expert in emotional health and fulfilling relationships.
  • Author (2014 book title: Edgeworker time for the leadership revolution).
  • Author of numerous expert articles in German and English that have been published on national and international online platforms (e. g. Academia)
Emotionale Gesundheit, Paarcoaching, Beziehungs-Coaching für Frauen, Emotionale Gesundheit, Burnout, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Augsburg, München, Donauwörth, Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt, viva-essenza

My story

For 15 years I worked as a project manager and key account manager for well-known companies in the IT and automotive industries. What became painfully clear to me during this time was the fact that most people have never learned how to really interact with one another in a relationship-promoting way, to follow their inspiration and to use their talents. Instead, we often get stuck in a labyrinth of unconscious beliefs, projections, old emotions and patterns that keep preventing us from creating a fulfilling life and fulfilling relationships.

I began to deal intensively with the topics of personality development, conflict management, team building, relationship management and the development of human potential. I attended numerous seminars and training courses and ultimately completed several years of training to become a certified Possibility Management Trainer alongside my full-time job.

I have been a trainer for personal development by vocation since 2008 and am particularly in demand as an expert in emotional health and fulfilling relationships. My clients report that I am unique in that I uncover hindering patterns, behavior and ways of thinking with great clarity and sensitivity in the shortest possible time and thus bring about change quickly and effectively. I work with my clients holistically on an emotional, intellectual and energetic level so that what Iis learned is anchored in the body and can be accessed in everyday life. Experiencing how people grow beyond their inner limits inspires me in my work.

I am married and live with my husband Florian in Donauwörth in beautiful Bavaria.

My principles

Love, Joy of Life, Possibility, Clarity, Inspiration, Empowerment.

My qualifications & experiences

  • Graduate business economist + project manager with 15 years of team experience.
  • Certified trainer for personal development (Possibility Management Trainer).
  • Over 16 years of experience as an expert in emotional health and fulfilling relationships.
  • Author (2014 book title: Edgeworker time for the leadership revolution).
  • Author of numerous expert articles in German and English that have been published on national and international online platforms (e. g. Academia).